Harvest is done - all the grapes are snuggled into their respective stainless steel (inox) tanks for fermentation. Now in the midst of pump-overs. That's where we take the juice from the bottom of the tank and 'pump-over' to the top. Both the tanks in the picture are set up for it, with the pump running on the tank on the right
The pump runs f
That's why we press the juice off the skins immediately when making rose - it takes almost NO time to get too much color. By the way, the rose's are done fermenting - both the cinsault and the grenache. Lovely light colors and lots of fruit flavors - with the acidity you want for a rose. I think this one will be even better than the 2009.
On a personal note, I went yesterday to take the written exam for my driver's license (Permit de Conduit)..FLUNKED IT! Missed 8 questions - you can only miss 4 to pass. Still having a language issue with some of the questions..and then some were just pretty obscure. Wish I could blame it on the harvest - your know, mind elsewhere and all, but....guess I just wasn't prepared. Oh well..BACK TO SCHOOL I go.