Hi All
Its been a busy month since my last report...Lots going on!
VINEYARD - The grapes are coming ripe very quickly - looks like its going to be a good harvest - fruit is nice and healthy..and plentiful this year.
As we did last year, we'll pick the cinsault and a corresponding amount of grenache first - to make the rose (it gets picked, crushed and immediately pressed - then fermented as though it were a white wine...slow and cool.) Then come back about a week later and pick the rest of the vineyard - all grenache - to make both the Cotes du Rhone red as well as try again to make a special cuvee. As you remember, I only ended up with 1 barrel of the special cuvee from last year - I needed the rest to help the Cotes du Rhone.
Anyway - with the hot weather and lack of rain over the last month or so, its looking like we could start as early as before end of the month (more than a week early) - and finish about 10 days later.
WINE - Sales are going pretty well - I have sold all but about 8 cases of the rose (out of 75) and have been able to sell about 150 cases of the red here in France, and of, course I sold the 50 cases to Seattle. So its been a good start.
By the way - tell all your friends - the wine: 'Mas de la Lionne 2008 Cotes du Rhone' is in Noble Wines, Ltd. catalog - so stores, etc. can start asking for it. The wine is due to arrive the first week of September - a mere 3 weeks from now.
Keeping with sales news, I think I mentioned that I was going to participate in the medieval fair in Chateauneuf-du-Pape, which occurred over last weekend (8-9 August). It was their 25th 'Fete de Veraison' - the celebration of the town founding in the 14th century.
Well I did it. I put up a stand, and set out my wares, and offered tastes and bottles.....and surprisingly I got a pretty good reception - for being the new guy on the block, and for not offering a Chateauneuf-du-Pape or Tavel of Gigondas (i.e. big name) wine. ( I know, I know...signage needs work - not enough of a draw- need banners...another lesson for next year!)
We poured about 50 bottles of wine (1/2 red and 1/2 rose) for tasting. And, with the help of my neighbors' son Simon, we sold about 20 cases - also about 1/2 rose and 1/2 red.
MOST importantly - I got the name out to a very large audience - GREAT PUBLICITY!!
I think that's it from here for now. Need to go start getting ready for vendange - lining up the people, checkout the equipment, get supplies (yeast, etc), clean barrels......its coming soon!
More once we get through vendange.
Be good out there.
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